Thursday, March 30, 2006
I have edited this post. The content is no longer valid. However, due to the comment exchange I am leaving the post only displaying this message. This is done in order to keep the comments as they are. I don't want to be accused of not being able to handle myself in an argument. I do not tuck my tail and run off. Even though I was so graciously allowed to delete comments, I decided after agonizing with much pain staking consideration to leave them.
Friday, March 24, 2006
Which One?
I couldn't figure out on which blog to put this. I don't know if it is funny or just sad. So, I decided it was funny and that I don't have a serious problem.
I have gotten to a place that I literally check my email about 50 times a day. I go through my blog routines several times a day looking for an update. I can't seem to stop. I get irritated when I constantly see zero new messages and no new comments, but I can't get myself to quit looking. And, if I check my email then I have to check all the blogs also.
So the question lies, which one of these apply?
Obsessive-compulsive disorder
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Symptoms and prevalence
Modern research has revealed that OCD is much more common than previously thought. An estimated 1 in 150 adolescents and adults is thought to have OCD. Because of the condition's personal nature, and the lingering stigma that surrounds it, there may be many unaccounted-for OCD sufferers, and the actual percentages could be even higher.
The typical OCD sufferer performs tasks (or compulsions) to seek relief from obsessions. To others, these tasks may appear odd and unnecessary. But for the sufferer, such tasks can feel critically important, and must be performed in particular ways to ward off dire consequences and to stop the stress from building up. Examples of these tasks: repeatedly checking that one's parked car has been locked before leaving it; turning lights on and off a set number of times before exiting a room; repeatedly washing hands at regular intervals throughout the day.
Another symptom of the disorder is fear of contamination; some sufferers may fear the presence of human body secretion such as saliva, sweat, tears or mucus, or excretions such as urine or feces. Some OCD sufferers even fear the soap they're using is contaminated.(Source)
Obsessions are thoughts and ideas that the sufferer cannot stop thinking about. Common OCD obsessions include fears of acquiring disease, getting hurt, or causing harm to someone. Obsessions are typically automatic, frequent, distressing, and difficult to control or put an end to by themselves. People with OCD who obsess about hurting themselves or others are actually less likely to do so than the average person.
Compulsions refer to actions that the person performs, usually repeatedly, in an attempt to make the obsession go away. For an OCD sufferer who obsesses about germs or contamination, for example, these compulsions often involve repeated cleansing or meticulous avoidance of trash and mess. Most of the time the actions become so regular that it is not a noticeable problem. Common compulsions include excessive washing and cleaning; checking; hoarding; repetitive actions such as touching, counting, arranging and ordering; and other ritualistic behaviors that the person feels will lessen the chances of provoking an obsession. Compulsions can be observable — washing, for instance — but they can also be mental rituals such as repeating words or phrases, or counting.Most OCD sufferers are aware that such thoughts and behavior are not rational, but feel bound to comply with them to fend off fears of panic or dread. Because sufferers are consciously aware of this irrationality but feel helpless to push it away, untreated OCD is often regarded as one of the most vexing and frustrating of the major anxiety disorders.
Anticipation (emotion)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Anticipation is an emotion involving pleasure in considering some expected or longed-for good event, or irritation at having to wait. Robert Plutchik listed anticipation as one of the eight basic emotions in his psychoevolutionary theory. See also hope. A name for pleasured anticipation is excitement.
I have gotten to a place that I literally check my email about 50 times a day. I go through my blog routines several times a day looking for an update. I can't seem to stop. I get irritated when I constantly see zero new messages and no new comments, but I can't get myself to quit looking. And, if I check my email then I have to check all the blogs also.
So the question lies, which one of these apply?
Obsessive-compulsive disorder
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Symptoms and prevalence
Modern research has revealed that OCD is much more common than previously thought. An estimated 1 in 150 adolescents and adults is thought to have OCD. Because of the condition's personal nature, and the lingering stigma that surrounds it, there may be many unaccounted-for OCD sufferers, and the actual percentages could be even higher.
The typical OCD sufferer performs tasks (or compulsions) to seek relief from obsessions. To others, these tasks may appear odd and unnecessary. But for the sufferer, such tasks can feel critically important, and must be performed in particular ways to ward off dire consequences and to stop the stress from building up. Examples of these tasks: repeatedly checking that one's parked car has been locked before leaving it; turning lights on and off a set number of times before exiting a room; repeatedly washing hands at regular intervals throughout the day.
Another symptom of the disorder is fear of contamination; some sufferers may fear the presence of human body secretion such as saliva, sweat, tears or mucus, or excretions such as urine or feces. Some OCD sufferers even fear the soap they're using is contaminated.(Source)
Obsessions are thoughts and ideas that the sufferer cannot stop thinking about. Common OCD obsessions include fears of acquiring disease, getting hurt, or causing harm to someone. Obsessions are typically automatic, frequent, distressing, and difficult to control or put an end to by themselves. People with OCD who obsess about hurting themselves or others are actually less likely to do so than the average person.
Compulsions refer to actions that the person performs, usually repeatedly, in an attempt to make the obsession go away. For an OCD sufferer who obsesses about germs or contamination, for example, these compulsions often involve repeated cleansing or meticulous avoidance of trash and mess. Most of the time the actions become so regular that it is not a noticeable problem. Common compulsions include excessive washing and cleaning; checking; hoarding; repetitive actions such as touching, counting, arranging and ordering; and other ritualistic behaviors that the person feels will lessen the chances of provoking an obsession. Compulsions can be observable — washing, for instance — but they can also be mental rituals such as repeating words or phrases, or counting.Most OCD sufferers are aware that such thoughts and behavior are not rational, but feel bound to comply with them to fend off fears of panic or dread. Because sufferers are consciously aware of this irrationality but feel helpless to push it away, untreated OCD is often regarded as one of the most vexing and frustrating of the major anxiety disorders.
Anticipation (emotion)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Anticipation is an emotion involving pleasure in considering some expected or longed-for good event, or irritation at having to wait. Robert Plutchik listed anticipation as one of the eight basic emotions in his psychoevolutionary theory. See also hope. A name for pleasured anticipation is excitement.
Thursday, March 23, 2006
What a loser
I just came to realize that 33% of my posts on this blog had to do with animals. That is an average of 1.142857142 animal posts a month since I started this. 3 dogs, 1 penguin, 1 sheep, 1 duck and cow, 1 chicken, and 1 squirrel. Just call me Dr. Dolittle. (That is a reference to the book with the guy and the animals. It is not a reflection of my work ethic so don't even go there.) Have I bought into the conspiracy that in order to get a cheap laugh you must involve animals? Apparently so. Here is a recap. With all these animals in a lump fashion, I'm sure you must be enjoying a "wet yourself" kind of laugh.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

I don't know why am I am thinking this thought. So, I decided to share it. For some reason, if I were to be an animal all I can think is that I'd be a squirrel. Why? What cause or purpose do they create? You see them smashed on the road all the time. People put ugly metal barriers on their trees to deter them from climbing up them. My mom knows a woman who captures the squirrels in her yard and takes them out to the country. With all that I have mentioned, I still think I would be a squirrel.
Thursday, March 16, 2006
I'd like to dedicate this to a special friend of mine - you know who you are. There is no music provided - sing it in your head.
I am leavin' town oh yeah
Doo-da, Doo-da
I won't be back for three more days
Oh, de doo-da day
I am leavin' town oh yeah
Doo-da, Doo-da
I won't be back for three more days
Oh, de doo-da day