I know
EVERYONE has seen this on an email. I am just enough of a dork
(watch it!) to love these type of things.
On Wednesday, at two minutes and three seconds after 1:00 in the morning, the time and date will be 01:02:03 04/05/06. That won't ever happen again.
Recently, I drove my car looking down for a mile. (Don't worry it wasn't
that busy.) The mileage on my car turned 45,678! It was awesome. I always call out the time on a digital clock when it shows something cool. 12:34, 11:11, 9:11, 1:23, 7:11, 9:10, 4:11 My daughter has become addicted to this also. Somehow, when she it out it drives me crazy. Hmmm. I also like to add the numers together like 2:35 (2+3=5)