Friday, April 21, 2006


Here is the Classic Movie test.

What Classic Movie Are You?
I had no idea what it was going to show.

Here is the Famous Leader test.

What Famous Leader Are You?
The whole time I was answering questions I was afraid it might come back as Hitler! I suppose that means I was paranoid that the worst would appear. Hmmmmm........

Monday, April 10, 2006

It Is SpRiNg BaBy!!!!

I was reading Amber's blog and it got me thinking about Spring.

You know it is Spring when:

1. Baseball season starts.
2. The grass is green.
3. Debates begin whether 60 degrees is warm enough to wear shorts.
4. The constant nagging to go to the park.
5. Allergies.
( I can end my list here at 5 because it is a commonly used number. So in this case, it doesn't bother me that it isn't an even number.)

Court struggles with allergies and takes medicine all year long. Spring is her hardest hit season. She has had this battle her entire life. Yet, every year at this time it's as if she forgets. She complains about how awful it is and how nobody has to deal with such a tragedy like she does. However, this does not stop the incessant requests to go to the park.

Friday, April 07, 2006

Ya, Ya!

I like to dedicate this to my good buddy Neil.

There was sunshine,and then it turned into a cloudy day. Now it's cold outside, and it's nearly the month of May.

Only in Illinois you can have a wonderful morning with a gorgeous 70 degree weather and by the afternoon it drops down to 40 and crazy windy.

Also, I'd like to add that Cubs rule and Cardinals drool! I love you Greg Maddux.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Movies, Movies, Movies

I'm not talking about Marsha here because I am currently without television programing. So, due to the lag in television entertainment we are watching movies, and a lot of them. I am not normally a movie person. I simply do not have the attention span. However, since we continue to watch the same movies over, and over, and over, and over, and over again I can handle it. For your reading enjoyment, I will list those that are heavy on the rotation.

1. Napoleon Dynamite. I believe it is a love it or hate it. I fall on the LOVE
it side. I laugh every time I watch this movie. I quote lines out this movie and different ones all the time.
Shocks, pegs, lucky.
Make yourself a danged que-sa-dilla.
I don't even have any good skills. What do you mean? You know, like nunchaku sills, bow hunting skills, computer hacking skills. Girls only want boyfriends who have great skills.
Eat the food you fat lard
Napoleon give me some of your tots.
This is pretty much the worst video ever made. Napoleon, like anyone can even know that.
I see your drinking 1%. Is that because you think your fat? Because your not. You could be drinking whole if you wanted to
Took me, like, 3 hours to finish the shading on your upper lip.
I like your sleeves. They're really big.

2. The new Willy Wonka. Pretty much creeps me out. The more I watch it the more it grows on me. My favorite line in that movie is "Everything in here is edible. I'm edible but that would be cannibalism and that is frowned upon in most countries.

3. Chronicles of Narnia. Pretty much the best movie ever. I can watch this movie all the time. I pick up something new every time. Edmund is my favorite. I know he isn't for most. I see him as troubled young man who feels like he is left out and everything he does is wrong. I am very drawn to him.

4. Cinderella Story. Will it ever end?!?

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Counting is easy as 123

I know EVERYONE has seen this on an email. I am just enough of a dork (watch it!) to love these type of things.

On Wednesday, at two minutes and three seconds after 1:00 in the morning, the time and date will be 01:02:03 04/05/06. That won't ever happen again.

Recently, I drove my car looking down for a mile. (Don't worry it wasn't that busy.) The mileage on my car turned 45,678! It was awesome. I always call out the time on a digital clock when it shows something cool. 12:34, 11:11, 9:11, 1:23, 7:11, 9:10, 4:11 My daughter has become addicted to this also. Somehow, when she it out it drives me crazy. Hmmm. I also like to add the numers together like 2:35 (2+3=5)
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