Friday, September 29, 2006


Which internet subculture do I belong to? [CLICK]
You are a Conspiracy Theorist!
Holy cow! You actually did an online quiz? Little did you realise that the information you gave us is being sent to an unknown government agency for evil use against you! Don't try to leave, we are already watching.

Monday, September 25, 2006

Lucky Lucky Lucky me. I'm a lucky son of a gun!

Well, continuing the poo madness, I've got luck just dripping off me. I watched my little nephew and just let him wander around the neighborhood and I followed him. He loves the outdoors and he was having fun exploring. I originally went outside just for second to get something and ended up staying out for awhile. I was barefoot because I don't like wearing shoes if I don't have to. Even my feet are claustrophobic.

We were walking around and wouldn't you know it, I stepped in doggie doodie! I was on the phone with James he asked what kind of doo it was and when I told him it was doggie he said that I must have something great up ahead with all this luck thrown my way! He laughed and I didn't find it very amusing. I wiped it off on the side of the porch. For the rest of the day when we walked by it my nephew would point and repeat "Poop!" over and over again.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Good luck? Really?

James and I went to the Jewel store in Moline this weekend. We were shopping around and spent a lot of time looking at coffee. I am well stocked but James is a bit picky about his coffee. I can't say that I blame him. Well, he found a brand that he likes was on sale and he bought 3 canisters. Then he started asking if I thought that was enough or if he should buy more since it was a good price. Then, he found his absolute favorite coffee was on a good sale but he couldn't find his flavor. He asked the stock boys to check on it so we were standing around there for like forever.

All of a sudden, I felt a raindrop on my head. I looked up to find a leaky pipe or broken or spilled bottle. Instead, upon looking up I found a little sparrow flying away. That bird POOPED ON MY HEAD! I told James and he thought I was crazy. He briefly looked in my hair and didn't see anything. I persisted it happened and I could still feel the point of contact. Upon further inspection, he said, "Yup, there it is. It's only a small piece though." There is no such thing as a small piece when it comes to poop. I told him it felt like it was burning my skull. Now, we all know it wasn't actually burning but I almost lost my mind with this on my head and really thought I'd go crazy. There was no way I could make it back to Galesburg with this.

James brought me to the place he gets his hair cut. He asked how much it would cost to get a hair wash. The lady asked, "A wash and a cut?" No, we told her just the wash. She looked at us like we were crazy. She said nobody comes in to just get their hair washed. James explained what happened and she started to laugh. They were booked up but she said to come back in a few minutes and she'll charge $5. When we got there, a different lady took care of me. She had a bird poop on here head just last week while she was outside her house. She also agreed that waiting until I got back to Galesburg was out of the question. She didn't charge us so we gave her a $3 tip.

James told me that in Europe that is considered a sign of good luck. He also said the same thing about stepping in doggie doo. I scoffed at the idea. Sure enough, when I looked it up on the internet and there it was. One of the funniest things is that we we had just finished a conversation about how this store was so much cleaner than the stores in Galesburg.

Good luck? You've gotta be kidding me. However, it does make for a good story. We were laughing about it all day.

Friday, September 15, 2006

Throwin' it Up

I love Charlie Weis. I love the energy, enthusiasm, sense of pride, and the winning attitude and performance he has brought to the Notre Dame Football program. However, I can't stand that he tucks in his shirt and tightens his belt. He is a big man and it just looks bad. It isn't even so much his belly rather fat poof under the belt. You are being viewed by millions of people, you are extremely successful, yet I can't stand to see a full body shot.

I have reached the point that I now realize it is a little icky to find High School and College kids good looking. I was reading a sports magazine and how no idea how old this kid was. Whoa! Finding College seniors good looking isn't that bad though. ( I like capitalizing High School and College. I find it easier to read. So there.)

For some odd reason, I can't stop thinking of a monkey with cymbals today.

I have nothing but international coffee in my freezer and I don't mean those girlie flavored drinks. I have coffee from around the world. The Dutch and German were brought here by James. Then I also have a sampler of many countries that my friend gave me. I am hooked on the Dutch right now even though I had requested the German brought recently. I don't think I'll be able to go back to Folger's again. Also, I only use the French press. I love it! I'll probably never use a coffee pot again either.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

I'm in the game...even if I wasn't invited

I did not get tagged by my friends. Wahhh. However, I am near positive it is due to the fact that I have been MIA and totally inconsistent in my postings. So, I've decided I'm going to play along with them anyway.

State three for each of the following:

Favorite food you eat till you puke and don't mind eating it again and again and puke it all over again:
- I don’t really have “must have” favorite foods unless you count coffee as a food. Rather, I have foods I absolutely abhor and make me want to puke just thinking of them.

- Any meat on a bone
- Fish
- "Mystery" meat that nobody actually confirms its origin

Favorite stores to shop till you drop (and might never fit in their clothing, but you buy their stuff anyways, because you are in denial):
- I am not one who enjoys shopping for clothes….at all!

Favorite shows that you quote like madness and will totally attend a convention if ever existed:
- Reno 911 <- Definitely a guilty pleasure

- Monk
- Cheap Seats

Favorite movies that you just never get tired of:
- I am tired of all movies right now. (no tv programming) However, these are my favorites….even if I am a little tired of them at the moment.

- What about Bob?
- Napoleon Dynamite
- Chronicles of Narnia

Things you wish to do before you die:
- See a home game at Notre Dame stadium
- Enjoy a Cubs season all the way through
- Get out of Galesburg

Places you want to go before you die:
- Obviously, Notre Dame campus in South Bend
- South Africa
- Anywhere Mr. Wolf wants to take me

Things you fear the most:
- Failure
- Bats
- Spiders
- Mondays
- Being alone
- Disappointing
- Public restrooms
- Door handles
- Not being funny
- Being called the old, crazy, cat lady when I’m old
- The Dark
- Fear
- Losing… mind
- Small, enclosed places
- Puking
- Dialing the wrong number
- Using improper grammar, word usage, and misspellings
- Spinal taps
- BCS poll

Things that make you happy:
- The saying: Are you happy?
- Opening up email and find a new one in the inbox and finding out the new email is someone I actually like
- Good defense and outstanding offense

Things that you wish to excel in:
- Everything

You feel strongest about:
- Hand washing

Your favorite quote:
- Good morning Gil. I said good morning…GIL. Gotta go to work.
- Once again: Are you happy?
- Touchdown! Irish add to their lead.

Friday, September 08, 2006

If I were Superman...

The first thing I would do is replace the area in which I change into my super hero suit.
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