
Hello, my name is Sarah and I am Sudoku! A coworker of mine introduced me to this a couple weeks ago. It was a teaser. She was working on it at break and just gave me a peek and quickly explained it. I should have realized the hook right then and there but alas I fell victim to her devious plan.
The object is to have 1 each of the numbers 1-9 entered randomly in the vertical line, horizontal line, and also in each of the 9 - 9 box grids.
I purchased a book of 601 Sudoku puzzles last night. They range from easy to I'll never be able to solve this. So, if you don't see me around for awhile, please stage an intervention!
This is hillarious! When I was in Missouri...I found some puzzles in my aunts paper stash...and I'm a nut about crosswords, word searches, etc. so I thought...I'll try. The kids were in bed, and nothing on the tube...well 3-4 hours later, I was still working on these, SUDOKU Puzzles!!! Loved them!
So, you too were sucked into the web of Sudoku. It is nice to be among such good company. =)
I like number games. When my grandma had word finds I would always search for the few number finds.
I'll have to share some of the 601 puzzles with you!
Hi Sarah,
I found your blog through Pastor Garrett and Pastor Neil's site. I have a friend who is addicted to Sudoku as well-LOL
I tend to throw myself completely into my hobbies so I purpose in my heart right now to never get involved with Sudoku.....
Hmmm- I do love a good challenge though....maybe one game wouldn't hurt....
I out. One puzzle and I was hooked. Actually, I came across Web Sudoku at work through a business message board I read.
I know if I ever click that link during work hours I will be fired! ;-)
BTW-Thanks for stopping by.
I am a puzzle fanatic! All kinds, crossword, number cross'word', logic, cryptograms, you name it. I do one every night. I have to fast from them from time to time (truth) so as to not let them get in the way of reading and praying. Please don't let me try one or I'm sure I'll be addicted, too. Well...maybe just one!
We'll have to have a "Sudoku Family Night" at church...hmmm.. I'm seeing some friendly competitions....
FRIENDLY!!! What do yo mean FRIENDLY!!!
I can't promise to be nice. If we are playing teams, I call Shawn. I have realized that is best to on his team than to be his competitor.
I don't know about that, Sarah... last night I figued my game of soduko out before he did!!!
I hear you Amber. The Wednesday night we had bible trivia Jaycee was on my team and we lost. I asked what happened and she said, "If you want to win, you need to be on my dad's team."
I just figured she had some truth in that! =P
LOL Im addicted to these silly things also. I like the web Sudoku site .. that's where I got addicted.
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