So called Fanwear for Women

I understand I am traditionalistic. I was the kid that wanted to color the picture exactly as shown on the cover. I like abstract things but I don't like to see purple cows or red grass.
I am in marketing and so I understand that when you sell a product you want the money to come from both sides. However, this stuff drives me crazy. I hate to see fanwear that isn't in the teams colors. Isn't it possible to make a team shirt marketed to a woman and still keep the integrity of the team by actually using the team colors? I honestly believe this should be outlawed. When a food label claims to contain a certain item in a product they have to have a certain percentage of that item in the product. I believe the same should apply here. If they are going to make a team shirt it ought to have a certain percentage of the team colors represented. A pink Cubs shirt? Give me a break!
I can't resist...
Maybe pink SHOULD be the color for the Cubs?
(Please don't hurt me Sarah!)
Actually, I think that is just wrong. What in the world are they thinking?
Give me a second to catch my breath - you are sooo funny. =P
I have read somewhere that this fast growing trend. Retailers picked up on it and capitalized. Pink is the primary color but they will use any array of colors - Lime Green, Purple, you name it.
It is bad enough when you see a predominately red Cubs shirt because you automatically think Cardinals. However, at least red is a team color.
What happened to the black background?
I added a script I came across that has to do with image display. However, I don't have time to fix the background until after work.
I had a feeling someone would mention it.
You can count on me!
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