Time Wasters

There are always things passed around an office that accomplish nothing but a way to waste your time. These seem to get worse and more frequent this time of year. Here is one that is killing me. I am very competitive, even against nothing or myself. I used to be able to type very quickly but recently my fingers have been failing me and I have relied heavily on the backspace button. I am averaging about 7 seconds on this game and I know I can do better. How fast can you type the alphabet? Warning: it can become addicting.
What are you griping about 7 seconds for? The best I've gotten with these old hands is 13.7!
I'm slowly climbing down. 7.722, 7.651, 7.461, 6.339. I was actually excited and decided I was done for the day when I saw the 6.
I managed a 7.82 and figured forget it. How do these people do a 1. whatever? Give me a break!
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